The CDpedia database and data folder
Your CDpedia database information is kept in a folder called "CDpedia" apart from the actual application so if you should delete from your computer by mistake, your data will be safe.
By default, the CDpedia data folder is located in your Home folder under ~/Library/Application Support/CDpedia. It contains the following files and folders:
- A Database.cdpd file which holds all the data for your CDpedia database in SQL format.
- Up to three backup.cdpd files which are backup files of the original Database.cdpd file. The program automatically updates these every month. (If you don't want CDpedia to do an automatic backup of your Database.cdpd file every month, open the application Terminal found in Applications/Utilities and copy paste the following line into it, followed by a return:
defaults write com.bruji.cdpedia NoAutomaticBackup -bool YES
- The Covers folder which holds all the cover images for your CDpedia database.
- The autofill.xml file which holds all the information for your autofill preferences.
Additionally, the CDpedia folder may also contain the following:
- A Templates folder which holds any export or print templates you customized or wrote yourself. This folder never gets overwritten by the program unlike the Templates folder inside the application which gets overwritten with each update.
- An InfoTemplates folder which holds any details view templates you customized or wrote yourself. This folder never gets overwritten by the program unlike the InfoTemplates folder inside the application which gets overwritten with each update.
- A Plug-ins folder which holds any plug-ins you downloaded from our Extras page or written yourself. This folder never gets overwritten by the program unlike the Plug-ins folder inside the application which gets overwritten with each update.
- A Database.pediadata file which was created as backup during the update from version 4 to version 5. You may delete this file once you've updated to version 5 and things are running smoothly.
- Quit CDpedia.
- Move the CDpedia data folder to where you'd like to keep it.
- Hold down the option key and start up CDpedia.
- Click the 'Choose database' button, navigate to the new data folder location and select the Database.cdpd file.
You can set up different data folders in the above manner to keep more than one CDpedia library on your computer. Call the new data folder(s) whatever you like, it does not have to be 'CDpedia'. Just make sure it is something specific so you remember which folder belongs to which database.
To see the location of your current data folder, go into your CDpedia Preferences > General.
To move CDpedia and its data to a different computer entirely, make a copy of the data folder and move it into the exact same location on the new computer, all while CDpedia is NOT running.
To share a CDpedia library between two or more computers, move the CDpedia data folder to a location where all computers have access to it, like a public folder or a shared hard drive. The move works the same for all users as described in the section above.
If you're sharing a database between several computers but don't want all the users to have editing privileges, you can manage this via the Mac OS X permissions.
Change the CDpedia permissions by selecting the CDpedia data folder and choosing 'Get Info' from the File menu. Under 'Ownership & Permissions' you'll see that you (the User) can "read & write" to the folder. For the group, set the permissions to "read only".