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CDpedia Help

Getting Started


Working with CDpedia

On your iPhone / iPad

Importing entries

For many applications, CDpedia has an importer which will import your data and cover images automatically. Check the list below to see if your current program is included. Otherwise you can also import data in tab or comma delimited (CSV) format. Just make sure you include a header row to make the matching of the columns easier and to avoid the first line of the database getting lost during import. To import the library from another Pedia user, a .cdpedia file is the best way to go.

To give you the chance to check that the import went correctly, the entries will be put into a library-independent collection first. These are marked with a grey collection icon instead of a blue one. To make the import part of your library:

Importing a CDpedia backup

If you're looking to import data from a CDpedia backup, please follow these steps:

Importing an iTunes collection

Use the 'Import Playlist from iTunes' menu command found under the File menu and select a playlist to import. As with all imports, the data will be put into a library-independent collection first. Follow the steps mentioned above in the Importing Entries section about making the collection part of your Library.

If you've moved your iTunes Music folder to an external hard drive or have two folders on your Mac and CDpedia isn't picking up the information from the one you want to use, enter the following line into the application Terminal, found in Applications/Utilities, followed by a return:

defaults write com.bruji.cdpedia "iTunes Library XML" "xxx"

(Where xxx stands for the path to your iTunes Music XML file, for example: /Users/[User name]/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.xml)

Importers from other applications

Importing entries from Delicious Library

Importing entries from Collectorz, iCDc and InCDius

Importing entries from Intelli Scanner Media Collector