I imported my book collection of 5000+ books into bookpedia. I had it stored in Filemaker all these years and thought things would go smooth. Some fields had problems but the biggest problem I have right now is with the book title and then it referencing the web.
If there is an apostrophe, when looking up new information such as ISBN, URL, a Picture, the summary, subjects, and links to other books it defaults every time to "So...You want to Build a House"
How does one correct this? Is this a bug?
Imports with apostrophe's
Could you please send me some of the titles with apostrophes that are giving you trouble, as well as what site are you using to download information? I tried Amazon and was able to gather more information for titles with apostrophes. With the exact steps I will be able to duplicate the issue and then find the bug if there is one. Thank you.