CDpedia Export to CSV with track information

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Bruji Friend
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CDpedia Export to CSV with track information

Post by SteveFitz »

As a belt and braces thing, following a MacOS software failure, I have CDpedia working again (thanks Finewine). I would like a second string back up database and a spreadsheet seems to be an answer.

I have used the export to CSV function in CDpedia but it has only sent the Artist / Album title / label / format information. Is there a way to export the track information as well.


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Re: CDpedia Export to CSV with track information

Post by FineWine »

This can be done, it all depends on how comfortable you are with coding HTML :D

The text format provides three different options for export: tab delimited, comma delimited (CSV) or text format (.rtf, .xml or.txt). The tab and comma delimited formats are 'what you see is what you get' meaning they will export ONLY the columns showing in your list view and in that order. For the text templates you can choose a template from the drop-down menu or write your own. (Take a look at the HTML section link below for more information about editing templates.)

So as you would of discovered you can not display the Tracks in List View as a Column as it would not be practical. So you will have to move away from CSV Export format (.xml) and this is where HTML coding comes in.

First off have a good read of this Help file which is inbuilt into CDpedia as well on line here: Working on Collections > Export Collections > HTML Please have a good read all the way down to and including: "How do I install my template?"

You have some choices now if you go the HTML route.

To give you an idea of what you are aiming for, goto into Export > Text > Text (ensure "SmallList" is in the box next to Text now click on Edit Your macOS will open and you should see the below code. Now within TextEdit you can start adding and deleting Tags as per the above link.

The standard template that comes with CDpedia is: "SmallList" and the HTML code for that is:

Code: Select all

[key:title] by [key:artist]
[key:genre]     [key:label]  
[translate:releaseDate]:  [key:releaseDate] 
OR the next method is Export > HTML Start clicking through the "Export Templates" menu and read the blurb towards the bottom of that panel which explains what is being exported as well as look at the visual representation to the right in the panel. Again you can Edit any and these Templates to your liking.

HINT: The more info you want to display/print the more crowded and lengthy all this becomes.

Also have a good read of this additional Information Section: Creating a Template

If you are not confidant enough to do this, but please try as it is fun, you can provide a list of what information you want listed and I can give it ago for you.

As an added bonus to the Bruji Pedia's, if you come up with a satisfactory Template, you can submit to go into the Extra's section of the Bruji Website and others can then download and install for their own use as well.

Other CDpedia uses may have already written their own Template suitable to your requirements and upon reading this Topic may get in touch and help you out. :D

PS: You state:
I would like a second string back up database and a spreadsheet seems to be an answer.
The best second string back up is an external Hard Drive and use Apples inbuilt Time Machine. I personally use a Grandfather backup system. TimeMachine and another Hard Drive which I keep off site. For that drive I use a program called Carbon Copy Cloner Both External Drives are 2Tb in size.
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Re: CDpedia Export to CSV with track information

Post by SteveFitz »

Thank you Finewine. I’m not confident, but like learning new things so I shall slowly give it a go.

I appreciate your advice re back ups. My concern is that “something” deep in the MacOS software went wrong. iTunes (or whatever it is called these days) started self deleting songs. Time Machine failed and got locked onto one backup. After many conversations with their senior technicians we backed up everything manually, one app at a time, wiped the hard drive and reinstalled everything one app at a time.

Things seem to be working now apart from Time Machine which only allows me to back up to one external hard drive. I wanted 2 to allow for one failing but can’t do that as the second won’t mount.

This has spooked me enough to have the TM back up and the CDpedia database backed up to iCloud, and a second external hard drive, where I also keep a copy of the library support files for CDpedia which I manually copy.

I have, in my time, had several databases I have created. Originally Locomotive Software, File Maker Pro, Bento and finally CDpedia. Each time having to re type the information each change forced by the software being discontinued. It is not something I relish doing again. It was with a little concern when I read the “sunsetting” information coupled with my iMacs hardware / software failure.

I’m sticking with CDpedia, it’s a format and user experience I like and via yourself and others it looks to be supported programme. I really hope Connor comes back when he feels able or someone takes it over. Like others I’d be happy to pay an annual / monthly fee for the app.

But, worst case scenario, I have a CSV file to import to Numbers / Excel depending on the hardware I use. At my time of life I don’t want to re type a big collection again. Equally the ability to have a database in my pocket when visiting music fairs is invaluable.

Once again, given the above, you have my heartfelt thanks for your advice and assistance.
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Re: CDpedia Export to CSV with track information

Post by FineWine »

You are welcome.

Your macOS wow's is why I use Titanium Software - Onyx as explained here: Pedia Maintenance Practices.

As to your jitters re loosing all your CDpedia info, apart from TM and a 2nd ext backup drive there is one other method of saving your data base to another location and to facilitate your requirement of: "Equally the ability to have a database in my pocket when visiting music fairs is invaluable." is if you have an iPhone you can install CDpedia on that. Keep that updated as you add CD's and then if things turn turtle again you can always reverse install Pocketpedia's data base to your iMac. Have a read here: Synch your Pedia's from iDevice to iMac

Give this forum a shout if you need help with HTML. We all love helping each other out.
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