Usually I don't have any problem to get the data from amazon.fr when I use the EAN. But now I try to search for 3607483250761 but "No Result". Amazon.fr is having the DVD. Could you please check what's the problem?
Thank you!
DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
Re: DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
Thank you for all the details and the information.
On testing I too fail with amazon.fr using your provided number 3607483250761. But that number does produce results from Doghouse: Voyages à travers le cinéma français, la série ASIN: B07G2CTJ76
Conor both the UPC/EAN and Title and ASIN searching amazon.fr within DVDpedia fail. BUT they do work when searching amazon.us and amazon.ca within DVDpedia AND via the web browser for amazon.fr and amazon.com
NOTE TO anami: Amazon is becoming very strict with AWS and limiting their API to resellers who are providing a higher number of sales. So even if you are using your own keys these keys are now beginning to fail. Bruji has come up with a work around and built into the pedia's a dedicated Bruji pedia Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID and Key. This is now available in all the pedia beta's, You can download these beta's from here. Please do try the beta's, they are 99% stable.
Once you have installed the latest beta, to enable the Bruji Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID and Key "hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select "Amazon Test" so that a check mark appears. You should then have access to Amazon search no matter you Amazon country preference.
Also here is a tip: Choose the search sites relevant to your collections by Ticking the appropriate ones in: Preferences > Sites. By ticking only those sites relevant to your collections not only enables you to gather more precise data but it will also be faster in search times. Whilst in this Preference, drag & drop your relevant search sites upto the top of the list in order of your site preference. Again this will speed up search times.
Hope this helps
On testing I too fail with amazon.fr using your provided number 3607483250761. But that number does produce results from Doghouse: Voyages à travers le cinéma français, la série ASIN: B07G2CTJ76
Conor both the UPC/EAN and Title and ASIN searching amazon.fr within DVDpedia fail. BUT they do work when searching amazon.us and amazon.ca within DVDpedia AND via the web browser for amazon.fr and amazon.com
NOTE TO anami: Amazon is becoming very strict with AWS and limiting their API to resellers who are providing a higher number of sales. So even if you are using your own keys these keys are now beginning to fail. Bruji has come up with a work around and built into the pedia's a dedicated Bruji pedia Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID and Key. This is now available in all the pedia beta's, You can download these beta's from here. Please do try the beta's, they are 99% stable.
Once you have installed the latest beta, to enable the Bruji Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID and Key "hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select "Amazon Test" so that a check mark appears. You should then have access to Amazon search no matter you Amazon country preference.
Also here is a tip: Choose the search sites relevant to your collections by Ticking the appropriate ones in: Preferences > Sites. By ticking only those sites relevant to your collections not only enables you to gather more precise data but it will also be faster in search times. Whilst in this Preference, drag & drop your relevant search sites upto the top of the list in order of your site preference. Again this will speed up search times.
Hope this helps

Re: DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
Thanks for you help, FineWine. But all what you proposed I have it already. The "Amazon Test" is enable and my most used sites are sitting on the top of the search. Even with the new Beta version.
Re: DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
As Fine Wine mentioned Amazon has been in the process of transitioning the data API to only large web retailers that provide sales references. They started with an open system, but that era was over when the iPhone debuted and they started to shy away from apps and providing data to others. Our sales on the foreign Amazon countries are too low and hence access is granted based on sales on the previous month. Although we are trying to move away from Amazon the next version 6.0 will make it so that our referral link does get used on buying items that were searched at Amazon. It's never been important to the Pedias where you buy your media from, but this might improve the conversion rates for the foreign stores.
The focus for the next version is getting Doghouse to improve with Foreign media and be able to return more items from France, Japan and Spain. I'll try to get Amazon FR going again, but if Amazon is really important the best solution is to sign up for your own credentials at AWS and Product Advertisement at Amazon (AWS is free and open, Product Advertisement requires info on how you are going to create referrals for Amazon Products). You can then fill the information needed to gain access to the API under "Preferences -> Sites -> Amazon Settings". This is what Amazon would prefer now, an account per individual then from us the company providing the software. This way they have more control of who is using their data and how they interact with Amazon.
If you know of other useful data sources in France that can help me improve the search results for Doghouse or to include natively in the Pedias don't hesitate to send them to me, so that I can investigate them and have data from a more open source than Amazon.
The focus for the next version is getting Doghouse to improve with Foreign media and be able to return more items from France, Japan and Spain. I'll try to get Amazon FR going again, but if Amazon is really important the best solution is to sign up for your own credentials at AWS and Product Advertisement at Amazon (AWS is free and open, Product Advertisement requires info on how you are going to create referrals for Amazon Products). You can then fill the information needed to gain access to the API under "Preferences -> Sites -> Amazon Settings". This is what Amazon would prefer now, an account per individual then from us the company providing the software. This way they have more control of who is using their data and how they interact with Amazon.
If you know of other useful data sources in France that can help me improve the search results for Doghouse or to include natively in the Pedias don't hesitate to send them to me, so that I can investigate them and have data from a more open source than Amazon.
Re: DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
I definitely would prefer to get the data from another source than amazon. But till know it was the only one who had data from France. But if you could integrate fnac.com it would be great.
Re: DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
Thank you, I'll take a look at FNAC. I have heard they are big.
Re: DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
Hey Conor,
Could you manage something with Fnac?
Could you manage something with Fnac?
Re: DVDpedia_amazon.fr_No data import
They do not have an API service that would make it robust to include and reliable. Been making some updates to Doghouse to return more french results, but working on the new update as well that should take care of it.