I have some albums that contain tracks that CDpedia does not mark as "in iTunes" (note symbol), but they are there, actually even the "play" button in CDpedia works for them.
The menu command "update iTunes status" never has had any results by the way (as far as I can see). Is there any other possibility to force-update the iTunes titles, preferably only for the currently selected albums (it takes some time to check all my library). What data is this track-availability-check based on, by the way? Especially, if I change a name in iTunes (usually because CDpedia's list is right but iTunes' has a typo), CDpedia does not find it by itself, if it did not find it before, so I'd like to tell him "hey look again, it's really the same now".

Another interesting thing I found out concerning this topic: Some of these not recognized titles show up later after a seemingly random amount of time when I recheck the album's Edit.../Tracks window. Maybe it just helps to keep CDpedia opened in the background a while? Anyways, I'd prefer to be able to get everything clean as I'm working with it.

Any ideas what could be the problem? Thanks for your help!