I'm using Rate Your Music (http://www.rateyourmusic.com) website to manage my CD and DVD collections. Now I'd like to manage them offline too with CDpedia and DVDpedia (+ iOS companion app) and I was wondering if it's possible to import the file that RYM can export, because I have a lot of items in these collections and I'd really like to avoid adding all of them manually.
These are just some example lines to let you know how does it look like:
RYM Album, First Name,Last Name,Title,Release_Date,Rating,Ownership,Purchase Date,Media Type,Review
"1538680","","Abe Vigoda","Skeleton","2008","5","n","","", ""
"36623","","A.C. Acoustics","O","2002","5","n","","", ""
"34220","","A.C. Acoustics","Understanding Music","2000","8","o","","CD", ""
"5101","The","Afghan Whigs","Gentlemen","1993","6","n","","", ""
Do you think there's a way to import data in a format like this?
Thank you in advance for any tips.
Rate Your Music (RYM) - database import
Re: Rate Your Music (RYM) - database import
The Pedias can import CSV (as well as tab delimited) files, yes. Just make sure you include a header line so the first entry doesn't get lost during import and that the tracks and track duration are separated by semi-colons, like this (using tab delimited for my example):
Artist Title Tracks Duration Genre
U2 Achtung Baby! Track1;Track2;Track3 1:03;2:45;1:32 Classic Rock
If you haven't done so already, download the demo version of CDpedia and try it out. Even though it is limited to 25 entries you will still be able to import your collection so you can see how that works, you just won't be able to use the add or edit feature after that.
Artist Title Tracks Duration Genre
U2 Achtung Baby! Track1;Track2;Track3 1:03;2:45;1:32 Classic Rock
If you haven't done so already, download the demo version of CDpedia and try it out. Even though it is limited to 25 entries you will still be able to import your collection so you can see how that works, you just won't be able to use the add or edit feature after that.
Re: Rate Your Music (RYM) - database import
OK, I'll check it out using my demo versions.
Thank you!
Update: Works like charm, thanks again, I'm purchasing the apps right now
Thank you!
Update: Works like charm, thanks again, I'm purchasing the apps right now

Re: Rate Your Music (RYM) - database import
The Pedias can import CSV (as well as tab delimited) files, yes. Just make sure you include a header line so the first entry doesn't get lost during import and that the tracks and track duration are separated by semi-colons, like this (using tab delimited for my example):wjels wrote:OK, I'll check out Phen24 here using my demo versions.
Thank you!
Update: Works like charm, thanks again, I'm purchasing the apps right now
Artist Title Tracks Duration Genre
U2 Achtung Baby! Track1;Track2;Track3 1:03;2:45;1:32 Classic Rock
If you haven't done so already, download the demo version of CDpedia and try it out. Even though it is limited to 25 entries you will still be able to import your collection so you can see how that works, you just won't be able to use the add or edit feature after that.[/quote]
Where is the demo version? I want to try it out before I buy but only see an $18 option.
Last edited by Askibet on Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:09 am, edited 8 times in total.