A Swedish sorting option would be nice
A Swedish sorting option would be nice
First of all I would thank for a great program. But it would be even greater if I the program could sort Å, Ä, Ö as different to A and O. An example: The movie "Remains of the day" is called "Återstoden av dagen" in Sweden. It is sorted as "Aterstoden av dagen" wich is very annoying. If you could fix this I would be very thankful. 

Sorting issue
I have looked into the issue of the swedish characters, it seems to be sorting it fine for me. It sorts Ä after A, and Å after Ä. I get this sorted order:
I am no Swedish character expert. (In Spanish we don't make a distinction about our accented characters, 'ch' is a separate letter for us, but we just have to get over that and move into the 21st century.) Is there something I am missing?
I am no Swedish character expert. (In Spanish we don't make a distinction about our accented characters, 'ch' is a separate letter for us, but we just have to get over that and move into the 21st century.) Is there something I am missing?
Also being Swedish, I'd like to renew Nadsat's request. If it isn't too much of a hassle, it would be great if the pedia would know that Å Ä Ö, in that order, follow directly after X Y Z.
(Å, Ä and Ö don't have a lot more than apparences in common with A and O. And BTW, it's similar in the other Scandinavian languages, so it's not just us Swedes who would benefit from such a feature).
(Å, Ä and Ö don't have a lot more than apparences in common with A and O. And BTW, it's similar in the other Scandinavian languages, so it's not just us Swedes who would benefit from such a feature).
Fair enough, I can see that it could be painfully fidgety. It's not such a big deal, and as you say it might get solved in Tiger (however, iTunes, for instance, already handles these letters correctly).
Anyway, thanks for your answer. The pedias are tremendous apps, beating the competion by miles! Keep it up!
Anyway, thanks for your answer. The pedias are tremendous apps, beating the competion by miles! Keep it up!
Strange that it does it in iTunes. I will take a look at the functions again, maybe there some secret function I am missing that would take foreign characters into account when sorting. Although Apple does have a habit of fixing things and making them better and keeping the functions private for a while.
As I swedish user of Tiger, I can say it doesn't workConor wrote:I would have to write my own sorting function at the moment to sort the Swedish characters. DVDpedia uses Apples internal sort algorithm to sort, so hopefully there will put the Swedish characters at the end of the alphabet with the next version of OS X - Tiger.