weird alphabet ordering in pocketpedia

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Bruji Friend
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weird alphabet ordering in pocketpedia

Post by arkayspark »

I use Dvdpedia, Bookpedia and CDPedia on my mac as well as pocketpedia on phones and ipad.

the diehard movies file in their proper place in the dvdpedia

For some weird reason, pocketpedia has stuck the Diehard movies at the beginning of the Hs. Gypsy then the diehard movies then hackshaw ridge. there are no spaces at the beginning of the title. the sort is set to title. the iphones and ipad pocketpedia have the same.
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Re: weird alphabet ordering in pocketpedia

Post by FineWine »

arkayspark wrote:there are no spaces at the beginning of the title.
Completely Delete the Title using the Backspace Delete key. When you SEE you have reached the far left of the Title field keep pressing the Backspace Delete key for ½ dozen times. Quit DVDpedia and then restart and re-enter the Titles again.
Hopefully this will get rid of any spurious ghost characters.
Bruji Friend
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Re: weird alphabet ordering in pocketpedia

Post by arkayspark »

I did as you suggested but the same result.
In the MacBook pro 13' 2017 the DVDpedia 6.2.1 beta 230 the films continue to be in the right place.
In the Pocketpedia on my iPhone SE (2022) 3rd Generation _and_ my old ipad mini the movies end up in the h's!

Rosemary Spark
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Re: weird alphabet ordering in pocketpedia

Post by FineWine »

Ok try this:

1 - open desktop DVDpedia and hold the Option key and click on the Help menu and this will open a hidden menu
2 - select and click on Export for Pocketpedia
3 - save the resulting For Pocketpedia.pocketpd file to Desktop and Quit DVDpedia
4 - connect your iDevice to your mac via cable
5 - open Finder and click on your connect iDevice in the left column under Locations
6 - let it finish completely the Sync'ing process
7 - select Files on that windows tab bar
8 - select Pocketpedia and right click on each Folder/File and select Delete However DO NOT DELETE the actual Pocketpedia entry
NOTE: sometime Finder does not immediately show these App's & Files, wait a few minutes.
9 - select the For Pocketpedia.pocketpd on your Desktop and drag & drop it into Finder on top of the Files Pocketpedia entry
10 - eject your iDevice from your Mac
11 - open Pocketpedia on your iDevice and select DVDpedia within the Collections column - it should now start to reload all your entries and cover art, be patient as it may take a while.

Please ensure to Backup all Pedia's before attempting this. File > Export > Backup from within each Pedia.

Hope this fixes your issue.
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