Accessibility-problem in cd-pedia.
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:52 am
Hi to the forum, I'm new to cd-pedia and I'm using my mac and the software with the built-in screenreader voice-over on a mac with OS X 10.11 with the latest updates, because I'm completely blind. First of all, I'm very happy to give you the feedback that cd-pedia is very accessible for the most part. Good job! But there is one remaining problem: When adding cds, after having scanned them, the editing-window opens. The info-tab is in focus by default. But a sighted person told me that there are 2 additional tabs, in order to enter song-tittles manually, in case the disc isn't listed in the internet data-base. with voice-over it's impossible to access these tabs, because they aren't visible for voice-over. You can easily duplicate this by pressing cmd-f5 to activate voice-over. Then you can edit an entry of the collection. Navigating with ctrl-alt-arrow left and right keys, the navigation-keys for voice-over, brings you from left to right to the close- and zoom-buttons, typical for every mac-application and then to the scroll-area containing the disc-information. Every control of this window is accessible except the additional tabs including there contents. Could you please check and fix this in a future update?
Thanks in advance and best.
Thanks in advance and best.