Cdpedia Dogtags

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Cdpedia Dogtags

Post by adamhh »

Hi Team Bruji

Not sure if this is intentional or a bug, but I'm adding a bunch of stuff to CDpedia and each time I add one the dogtag is jumping in increments of 10. (130071 /130081/ 130091 / 130101 etc). Thought it worth a heads up.
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Re: Cdpedia Dogtags

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the heads up. Part of the changes in the new server that we have implemented for Doghouse, as we expand and improve it. We will put up a blog post soon with the announcement and details (finishing a few rough corners).

The new server jumps in tens in order to allow for scaling to multiple machines at once without causing a conflict, I.e., there are now multiple servers running the database keeping things fast but requires the larger dog tag increment to use the replication and stay in sync.
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