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DVDpedia: Data entries are deleted during the search process

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:27 am
by Anami
When I'm producing a new DVD entry I mostly start with the amazon side of this country I bought the DVD. After it I want to fill out the empty fields with the datas of or (as I am German) or just manually. The problem now is, that a lot of fields I filled already out by myself will be deleted after I select the entries of imdb or some else. For example I filled out the sujet text in German. When I select now the imdb side to get the actors, the German text of the sujet field I wrote is replaced with the English text from imdb. Is there any possibility that the already filled out fields will stay without replacing??? Thanks.

Re: DVDpedia: Data entries are deleted during the search pro

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:23 am
by Nora
Please try the DVDpedia beta and let me know if this is still the case.

Re: DVDpedia: Data entries are deleted during the search pro

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:50 am
by Anami
Dear Nora,

Unfortunately it isn't working well as in the BetaVersion all the buttons in the movie editing window are missing on the bottom (search, navigation...). So I can't try it.


Re: DVDpedia: Data entries are deleted during the search pro

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:41 am
by Nora
Can you please send me a screenshot of what the Beta looks like for you? I've run it here in German and all the buttons appear fine. You can take a screenshot by pressing Command-Shift-4 followed by the Space Bar and then mousing over the window (it'll turn blueish and your cursor will become a camera) and clicking your mouse/trackpad. The screenshot will automatically be saved to your Desktop so you can attach it to an email to us. You'll find our email on the Support page.

Re: DVDpedia: Data entries are deleted during the search pro

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:37 pm
by Anami
Hey Nora,

Its strange but the problem seems to be disappeared after I tried it now again. If it's popping up again I will send you the screenshot.

About the main problem: It's working now in the way I was looking for. Many thanks.
