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Export with unique IDs for images/pages

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:28 pm
by ella
I use quite often the HTML export with one of the iphone-Templates and copy them to my jailbroken iphone (alternative for real syncing…) – and it seems as if every time the collection is exported, the program creates new ids or page numbers (xx.jpg, xx.html etc.).

So it's quite inefficient to „manually sync“ the stuff because the image and page names are inconsistend from export to export. You have to replace the whole collection on the iphone instead of adding the changes/additions.

Any idea how to solve that or is there a chance to do the export with an unique id per record?

Thanks for considering!


Re: Export with unique IDs for images/pages

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:42 pm
by Conor
The JPEG images will always be named after their internal unique ID and will have their modified date updated (because they are resized copies) to mirror that of the original file so that smart updates are possible. To have the pages for each movie also be keyed to a unique id add the following meta command to the top of the details template:

Code: Select all

<meta name="uidNaming" content="yes" />

For the grouping (listing) template you would change the link to the details from:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

For info on making a copy of the iPhone template for customizing there some info in this post.