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Is there a way to see what is in itunes

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:24 am
by TJU
but NOT in CDpedia?

A box of CDs was lost in the mail when i moved. i want to know what i need to replace. (this will only work because i didnt have CDpedia before, so i can assume that the lions share of the stuff i have in itunes but not in CDpedia is the lost stuff.

Re: Is there a way to see what is in itunes

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:48 pm
by Conor
I would recommend an exported list from both CDpedia and Itunes of just album titles in order. Then you can use a text editor like BBEdit to find the differences or even Excel would be good at this. To get a list of album titles from CDpedia, click on the album column to sort it and then remove all the columns minus the abum column. Then using the export command select the "Tab Delimited" radio button option under the text tab. Not sure what the procedure would be for iTunes, the XML format that iTunes export might need to be manipulated in a text editor as well to get the album titles out.