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Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:56 am
by dharvey
Of the books I've entered, roughly half haven't pulled LCC numbers. I tried adding the Library of Congress as a z39.50 server, and that helped a bit, but I'd like to be getting 90-100%. I could always add them manually, I suppose, but my laziness would probably end up getting in the way.

Any suggestions for ways to increase the number of LCC results would be appreciated.


Re: Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:16 am
by Nora
Could you give us a few sample titles of entries where the LOC didn't send the LCC number along? That way we can take a look at the information and hopefully figure out why the LCC is missing. Thanks!

Re: Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:43 am
by dharvey
Kudos for the super-quick reply!

I'm not sure what info you need, so I'll give title;author(s);ISBN; if you need something else, or in a specific format, let me know.


Empire and Beyond ; Antonio Negri ; 9780745640488
Political Theology ; Carl Schmitt ; 9780226738895
Precarious Life ; Judith Butler ; 9781844675449
Multitude ; Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri ; 9780143035596
The Parasite ; Michel Serres ; 9780816648818

I can provide more if needed.

I've looked up most of these in the LOC database manually, and it gives call numbers for each.

Also, I just noticed that in cases where the book is translated, BP is pulling the translator's name for the author; is there any way that I could fix that?

Thanks much.

Re: Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:24 am
by Nora
Thanks for the samples. We've updated the LoC plug-in to a new access point so do give the beta version a try and see how the search works for you there.

Re: Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:15 pm
by martinlj
Any news on this front? I'm trying to pull up LOC numbers and getting about the same fail rate.


Re: Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:45 am
by Conor
Hi Martin,

This should not be a problem in the latest version. Could you please give us some examples of searches that do not return the LCC number.

Re: Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:59 pm
by SmockLady
I have entered 589 books so far. Of those books only 62 of them have grabbed the LCC. For what it is worth, I have waxed and waned in my love affair with both Bookpedia and another program I have (the two together would be my perfect program, LOL). Neither of them are able to grab the LCC with a high success rate. I know the books I have entered in my systems are in the LOC database; I have been to the LCC search site and typed in a few ISBNs from my book and know that they are there.

Re: Bookpedia - Retrieving LCC numbers

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:03 am
by Nora
Could you please give us a few examples of titles where the LCC wasn't send along with the rest of the information? That way we can take a look at them to try and figure out why it is that the LCC is missing. Thanks!