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Content Searchability

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:42 pm
by mnewsome
I'd like to be able to enter a list of keywords (I often enter the table of contents) to be able to search so that I can find all available books that may have content regarding the particular topic or word I need to search on. Is this possible with Bookpedia?

Re: Content Searchability

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:27 am
by Conor
The regular Amazon search is a keyword search but in order to narrow the results and not broaden them the keywords get put together with "and". I think the power search available on Amazon would fit your needs. To do a power search prefix the search field with "&Power=". Then you can use the following words: author, subject, binding, pubdate, keywords, language, isbn, publisher, condition and title. In your case it seems you would want a really broad search something like, '&Power=keywords: "wild west" or cowboy or horse'.

Here are some other examples:
  • author: ambrose
    author: ambrose and binding: (abridged or large print) and pubdate: after 11-1996
    subject: history and (spain or mexico) and not military and language: spanish
    (subject: marketing and author: kotler) or (publisher: harper and subject: "high technology")
    keywords: "high tech*" and not fiction and pubdate: during 1999
    isbn: 0446394319 or 0306806819 or 1567993850
All this searches are limited to the information and description for a book, they do not go through the books content as search inside the book does on Amazon, this type of search is not available to us.

Re: Content Searchability

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:00 am
by mnewsome
Is there a way to enter custom keywords ourselves for the search capability?

Re: Content Searchability

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:26 pm
by Conor
You can enter any keywords you want under keywords, or just use the regular search that is keywords based (without adding the &Power= prefix).