I just downloaded Bwana. Thank you, what great little app. It certainly makes the man pages
easier to read, navigate and use. (hyperlinks etc.)
Just one question so far....
How do I specify what section of the man pages I want to access?
For instance; when I'm in the terminal I can use the command <man 3 printf> to get info for the printf
command in relation to the Standard C library functions. Or <man 1 printf> to get the info related to
general commands. There are links for printf (3) at the bottom of the printf(1) page in Bwana, but they
just lead back to the top of the current page.
Bwana question
Adding a dot and a number should take you to the correct page. [url=man://printf.1]printf(1)[/url] and [url=man://printf.3]printf(3)[/url]. The strange thing is that the printf(3) at the bottom of printf(1) should take you to the correct page and vice versa; the link is created in the same way. I don't know what the reason might be for the link not to work on your system.
This works great, unless there is a "." in the page you want to see. For example, how do you get to syslog.conf(5)?Conor wrote:Adding a dot and a number should take you to the correct page. [url=man://printf.1]printf(1)[/url] and [url=man://printf.3]printf(3)[/url]. The strange thing is that the printf(3) at the bottom of printf(1) should take you to the correct page and vice versa; the link is created in the same way. I don't know what the reason might be for the link not to work on your system.