Multiple images

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Multiple images

Post by EloiseFreya »

So first off I'll say I have been loving 'Pedia since ... well a very long time. IIRC I had an early version on my iPhone 3G :-) Not sure if its totally appropriate my first post is a "feature request" ... but here goes.

One thing I think is missing is the ability to store multiple images.

As an example, for CDPedia I'd like to store (at least one of each) front; back; each of the mediums front and back. It would be great if I could add a pdf (or link to) of the booklet too.

Apart from that, I'd add support for (as suggested elsewhere) support for cloud syncing (iCloud ideally as I've had issues before where a product has stopped supporting their own cloud system and it makes the product obsolete; also iCloud syncing means - hopefully - no subscription required for 'Pedia) so that adding/modifying an item on PocketPedia makes immediate changes to desktop Pedia.

Thanks, Eloise
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Re: Multiple images

Post by rpmzine »

I work with Dropbox as "cloud service" syncing with 2 Macs and they work pretty well.
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