Thank you for Bookpedia and Pocketpedia!

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Thank you for Bookpedia and Pocketpedia!

Post by Ptt_Pch »

Hi there :D !

I’m simply an another new Bookpedia user and I really wanted to thank the team for this wonderful program that Bookpedia is and its compagnion app’, Pocketpedia :D !

It’s one of my « New Year Resolutions » : Thanking and/or encouraging people when I find they’re doing something great :wink: .

Since last week, I’m trying to fulfill another of my New Year Resolutions : Re-organizing and re-cataloging my library, which is a task I’ve got on my to-do list for years now. To be precise, since I migrated from Windows to Mac (and simply lost my library I’ve created on Windows :? ... These things happen :( )

During the past years, I’ve checked and searched for a good solution to my library “problem”, but not as seriously as I did the past few days (didn’t got the time, the energy to do so) and after many vain tryouts and disappointments (Delicious Library was the first and the biggest of them), I am very happy ( :D ) to say that, with Bookpedia, I finally found what I was looking for ( :D )!

I like the kind of “old iTunes” design which is simple, sober and efficient :D .
I like the flexibility and versatility of Bookpedia which give the freedom to do almost whatever I want :D . I already spend few hours looking at some threads here and some Help pages concerning the possible HTML customization of Bookpedia. Which is for me a great plus :D . I didn’t try yet though :wink: . I haven’t done this in years and my HTML might be a little bit rusty :wink: . But, when I’ll feel completely comfortable with Bookpedia (I just bought it and I’m still discovering some subtleties :wink: ) I might give it a shot :D .
(I might add, concerning the HTML documentation I’ve found, that you’re good teachers :shock: . You’re a very very encouraging team :shock: and that impressed me a lot :D !).
For the rest, what finished to definitely convince me to use Bookpedia, was Pocketpedia :D (which is very useful :D ) and, as a French speaking person (please, bear with me for my English :wink: ), the fact that it is available in French :D !
The price helped too :wink: (obviously :P )

After all of this, again and sincerely, thank you very much :D !

I’ve got one or 2 tiny remarks thought but nothing really important :wink: ...

Like others, I wished there were more “customizable fields” or the ability to create some :wink: .
But that’s a detail :wink: ... Reading threads here, I’ve found my own ways to get around this :wink: .

The other thing concerns the French traduction of Bookpedia.
One of the default field has a typo.
I don’t know what its name is in English (must be something like “Last Read”) but in French it’s translated by “Dernier lecture” but it should be “Dernière lecture” or “Date de dernière lecture” :wink: (maybe it’s already corrected for next update, I don’t know :wink: ).

Talking about “Dernière lecture”, there are 2 inconsistencies between Bookpedia and Pocketpedia. The first one concerns this same field “Last read”... Which in Pocketpedia is translated by “Dernier lu” but it should also be “Dernière lecture”.
The second one concerns the field “Volume” (of a serie of books). In the French version of Bookpedia the translated name of the field is “Volume” but it becomes “Tome” in Pocketpedia. It’s just another detail as the 2 words (Volume and tome) are correct :wink: ... It just is a little bit confusing :wink: .
So, far, that’s all I’ve found :wink:

I would just have one request for Bookpedia :) ...
I’ve seen we can mark a book as “read today”, “read yesterday” and activate a reading history which is a great feature :D ...
i just wish it was possible to simply “mark as read” (with no date) and a “mark as read at a specific date” :wink: .
Actually, I use one of the two customizable check boxes to simply “mark as read”, which works, but I still think, these 2 possibilities would be a good addition to the “mark as...” menu :wink: .

In conclusion, all I can say is that I’m really happy new customer :mrgreen: :P !

And for the third and last time, at least in this (very long) message (sorry), thank you :D :wink: .
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Re: Thank you for Bookpedia and Pocketpedia!

Post by Conor »

Thank you so much for the kind words on Bookpedia. Glad to hear it's appreciate it and that you manage to find Bookpedia. Sorry to hear that you were unable to bring save your data from the Windows version for import in Bookpedia.

Fixed the localization for both programs. Thank you for letting us know. If your english is bad, our French is non-existent. :D I assume I can apply the same to DVDpedia and Gamepedia? Dernière joué and Dernière visionnage. Thinking about it, I think the Pocketpedia version might have been short to save space in the header field, which is not such a big deal anymore since bigger iPhones and screens. But keep in mind that Pocketpedia been around since the launch of the original iPhone App Store.

Made it Volume across the board. Thank you. The French have a long history with comics and that has affected book cataloging as well. There are several fields that are hard to translate into English. The French make a subtle distinction, between Volume, Tome, Series and Collection. We don't even have fields for all those possibilities. Recently having a discussion on how to best organize Doghouse entries, for items that are part of a collection (Children's Specials), have a series (Harry Potter), Have a series number (Half Blood Prince "5") and have a volume (Part 1).

The French correction is already in the Beta if you would like to try out the beta version. For Pocketpedia, due to the App Store, it will be in the next update.
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Re: Thank you for Bookpedia and Pocketpedia!

Post by FineWine »

Welcome to the world of Bruji and their wonderful pedia's. The team do a fabulous job and they ALWAYS listen to ALL our comments, suggestions & bug reports, usually within 24 hours.

Please join the beta program we are always looking for testers.

It is always good to have another user who knows HTML & CSS, we look forward to your customised contributions to the Extra's page, plus here is all the information on HTML & CSS and how it is implemented within the pedia's.

Remember no question is too stupid or dumb so ask away :D

Again welcome (Encore une fois bienvenue)
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