In the end I have chosen to code in 4 forms of finding and editing a movie in Doghouse using my
Moderators Info View Template:
first method is in the Title bar where if you click on the Bruji dog it will take you directly to the 'dogTag' listed
Edit page.
Code: Select all
href="[key:dogTag]/edit"> <img src="Images/BrujiDog.png" alt="BrujiDog" title="BrujiDog
second method is if you click on the movie title in the Title bar it will take you directly to that dogTag listed movie in Doghouse.
Code: Select all[key:dogTag]">[key:title]
third method is if you click on the Doghouse image/icon in the footer bar it will take you to the Doghouse movie site and list ALL movies of that title in Doghouse and you can then choose which one to edit.
Code: Select all
forth method is if you click on the Doghouse number in the Info panel it will
also take you directly to that dogTag listed movie in Doghouse.
Code: Select all[key:dogTag]">[key:dogTag]
This may be a bit of an over-kill but you now have plenty of ways to get to a particular movie in Doghouse to either view or edit or both.
As at posting I have sent the updated
Moderators Info View Template: to Conor.
Hope these changes are to everyone's likening.