Yosemite Performance

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Yosemite Performance

Post by DreamStatic »

Hello, I finally took the plunge and upgraded to Yosemite and I have noticed it seems that everything takes a "beat" to draw in when moving around DVDpedia. And when switching from Finder back to DVDpedia. Is this something on the roadmap to tweak? Or am I the only one seeing it?
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Re: Yosemite Performance

Post by FineWine »

I always use the free maintenance program Onyx by Titanium Software. This program is great at cleaning up all the ditritus, flotsam and jetsam left over from OS upgrades and program/App uninstalls and installs. I find I always have a speed improvement especially after about the 2nd restart as it also cleans the start-up cache and that needs to be rebuilt.

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Re: Yosemite Performance

Post by DreamStatic »

Thanks for the tip. I do utilize Onyx as well. Unfortunately, it still didn't fix the extra "beat" it takes DVDpedia to draw in when moving around DVDpedia. This isn't unusable or anything, just not as snappy as I am used to in previous OS versions.
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Re: Yosemite Performance

Post by FineWine »

Have you tried some of pedia built-in maintenance tasks?

Hold down the Option (alt) key and click on the Help menu, you will find some extra entries; 'Verify Database', 'Remove orphaned covers', 'Clean duplicates in fields' and 'Validate links on file'.

Also, after you have fully Quit any pedia, go into ~/Library/Application\ Support/ and select your particular pedia and trash any file ending in -shm and -wal.

As well you can delete the pedia cache files; ~/Library/Caches and select your particular pedia and trash these files.

Lastly, if none of the above work you can delete your pref file. Be warned though this will reset all your Preference settings to default and you will have to redo them to your liking; ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.dvdpedia.plist

Of course you can wait for Yosemite 10.10.2 to be released. They are upto beta 5 for the developers so I am betting a public release soon.

Plus I am sure Bruji have a partial version release ready soon to cater more fully for Yosemite or even version 6 to tie in more closely with Yosemite, iOS and iCloud.
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Re: Yosemite Performance

Post by Conor »

There is an issue with Yosemite, where under some graphic cards the list view redraws too many rows. Rows and columns that are actually not even currently displayed (e.i. part of the table but past the current scroll view). We are trying to find a work around to the bug, but it's so deep in the Apple framework that it's hard to get it fixed without writing our own list view.

In the meantime if you are able to live with a few less columns displayed it will cut back on a bit of that lag when coming back to DVDpedia.

We are hoping that Yosemite 10.10.2 will fix it, but we can't confirm it as the bug does not appear on our own test machine for Yosemite betas.

Thank you Finewine for taking the time to answer and post a few performance tips for the program. I'll also post links here for any DVDpedia betas where I try to address the problem so that you can test out the upcoming changes.
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Re: Yosemite Performance

Post by FineWine »

Conor wrote:There is an issue with Yosemite, where under some graphic cards the list view redraws too many rows. Rows and columns that are actually not even currently displayed (e.i. part of the table but past the current scroll view). We are trying to find a work around to the bug, but it's so deep in the Apple framework that it's hard to get it fixed without writing our own list view.
I am running an 27" iMac 14.2, late 2013, 3.2GHZ, i5, 32GB RAM, with NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1024MB graphics and I am pleased to say that I am suffering from no redraw problems.

Do you have a list of machines with the problem graphic cards?

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Re: Yosemite Performance

Post by Conor »

So far it has only been reported by three users on the Mac Book Pros (two of which are Retina). With a large amount of RAM. So it might be tied to issues with redrawing on the larger resolution. In Xcode debugger I can track it down to it doing to many redraws of the cells not on screen. I am currently experimenting with the embedding of the different views, as it could be any combination of effects that triggers the bug. Thank you for letting me know that the latest 27" iMac is okay.
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Re: Yosemite Performance

Post by DreamStatic »

Yes, thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply. It is not that big of a deal as it is still usable just a bit annoying. You guys make excellent software and I know you will do all you can to fix it within the confines of Apple's bugs. :)
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