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Post by FineWine »

I been submitting eBooks which I have purchased off Apples iBooks store (iBooks App) and Amazon Kindle eBooks store (iPad Kindle App). eBooks now becoming very popular.

Is there going to be a separate Doghouse listing, (Movies, Books, Albums, Games, eBooks), for all these eBooks including an entry on where they were purchased, Apples iBooks Store, Amazon Kindle Book Store, GoodReads, Smashwords, to name a few?

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Re: eBooks

Post by Conor »

Thank you for all the submissions. Currently we are using the format field to differentiate the ebooks from regular paperbacks and hardbacks. The purchased at field is not uploaded as we consider it the field for personal use and is not Doghouse. I can see how that data would be useful to others downloading the information as they would know where they can purchase the book. However, I think we would like to avoid having the DVD issue were we have many entries for a single movie depending on format. Especially with books were it's simpler to tag them via the ISBNs that make them unique.
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Re: eBooks

Post by FineWine »

Conor wrote:Currently we are using the format field to differentiate the ebooks from regular paperbacks and hardbacks.
Yes but within the on line website Doghouse the Format Field is not displayed: e.g.
http://doghouse.bruji.com/book/253449 my epub submission
http://doghouse.bruji.com/book/92541 someone else's submission which I think is the paperback/hardback version
Conor wrote:The purchased at field is not uploaded as we consider it the field for personal use and is not Doghouse. I can see how that data would be useful to others downloading the information as they would know where they can purchase the book
I can understand that. Just a pity that a way can not be found to display epub purchase sites only. Though some authors like to sell their epub on as many sites as possible others only sell from one.

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Re: eBooks

Post by Conor »

The format was indeed different and was missing from the online listing. I have updated the page to show format for books.
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Re: eBooks

Post by FineWine »

Conor wrote:The format was indeed different and was missing from the online listing. I have updated the page to show format for books.
Thanks Conor - Now all we need to do is to get contributors to check their Doghouse submissions prior to contribution and ensure that the fields are, where possible, filled in and are correct.

FOR DVDpedia CONTRIBUTIONS: ASIN, Aspect Ratio, Awards, Country, Creator, Director, Discs, Duration, Episode, Features, Genre, IMDb Number, Languages, Media, Original Title, Picture Format, Price, Producer, Rated, Region, Release Date, Season, Series, Sound, Starring, Studio, Subtitles, Summary, Tagline, Theatrical, Title, UPC, Video Format, Writer, Credits
Perhaps the "Contributing to Doghouse" information in the individual pedia help files needs to be posted in an "Information only Post" at the top of the Doghouse Forum in a separate entry box. Then perhaps even a bulk email mail-out to all registered Contributors or users of the pedia's pointing them to this "Information only Post" concerning the guidelines for contributing to Doghouse. This of course (ulterior motive here) would make the moderators job one hell of allot easier. Now I know I am guilty here too, especially with my initial entries after purchase of my two pedia's.

Anyway just an idea to toss around in the "Bruji Think Tank"

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