If I watch more than one film in a day I'd like to be able to look back and know what order I watched them in. It would be great if the 'Last Seen' date field could be made into a date and time field.
DVDPedia: Time element in Last Seen field
Re: DVDPedia: Time element in Last Seen field
Thank you for the feedback. You can update the "other dates" format preferences under DVDpedia->Preferences->General tab to include the time or hour with "MMM d, y hh:mm" or just add "hh" for hour. However this means that all your other dates will display the hour as well. We will consider an options for only formatting the last seen for future versions.
Re: DVDPedia: Time element in Last Seen field
Reckon I can live with that! The only other date field I use is Date Added.
Loving the software... it's truly turned into one of my 'sovereign apps'.
Loving the software... it's truly turned into one of my 'sovereign apps'.
Re: DVDPedia: Time element in Last Seen field
Where the time is also useful so that you can be aware of what crazy hours you been entering DVDs.The only other date field I use is Date Added.
Excellent!one of my 'sovereign apps'.