Report your bugs here - if someone else has already mentioned the same bug, just add on to their post with as much info as possible to make the hunting easier.
1. If I search for Titles with 'ä ö ü' in German Words, Amazon did not find anything. If I change to 'ae oe ue' it works - but this is too much work
2. It would also be helpful to delete a downloaded info (except title author) with on click - sometimes if I update more then one book it takes the first result that does not match in any way with this book.
3. If I click on the stars for rating I can't take back (one star is always on then)
Thanks for the good work - like your program. I does most of all I want to do!
1. Could you give me some examples? I tired "Über" and "Dächern" and got results. If it fails also please take a look at your console log as DVDpedia would report any issues with the search to the log.
2. There is undo support, but this wouldn't help your case as it would undo the entire operation on the selection. Thank you for the suggestion. In the meantime remember that the gear button in the edit window can also be used to update a record and that will give you the option of selecting the correct result.
3. You should be able to click on the very far left (the left tip of the first star) to set no stars. This should be possible in both the edit window and the table view.
Der Zug war pünktlich
Böll, Heinrich
Der Zug war puenktlich
Boell, Heinrich result from
19.10.09 14:24:58 Bookpedia[19791] Amazon Search Error: SignatureDoesNotMatch = The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Thank you for the details. Could you please download the beta version and try these two searches "Der Zug war pünktlich" and "Böll, Heinrich". If they fail please send me the output from the console log (the beta will print out the actual request URL, so that I can check it against the one I have here, to find out what might be wrong with the signature).
19.10.09 20:25:15 Bookpedia[38936] Error loading /Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/QuickImageCM: dlopen(/Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/QuickImageCM, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/QuickImageCM: mach-o, but wrong architecture
19.10.09 20:25:15 Bookpedia[38936] Cannot find function pointer AbstractCMPluginFactory for factory 18B80CCA-6F9C-11D7-803C-003065FAFBE2 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x16f1cfc0 </Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
19.10.09 20:25:18 Bookpedia[38936] Before: ... roup=Small
19.10.09 20:25:18 Bookpedia[38936] Signed: ... 4IwrYDA%3D
19.10.09 20:25:19 Bookpedia[38936] Amazon Search Error: SignatureDoesNotMatch = The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Thank you for the output from the beta. The information I was missing is that you where using the gear button or the get more info on an existing entry and not a new search from the find window. Please download the beta and test it out, it should be working now. Thank you for the bug report.
Dante's Peak
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
20.10.09 01:14:44 Bookpedia[42926] WebKit Threading Violation - objc_object* -[WebView initWithCoder:](WebView*, objc_selector*, NSCoder*) called from secondary thread
20.10.09 01:14:44 Bookpedia[42926] Additional threading violations for this function will not be logged.
20.10.09 01:14:44 Bookpedia[42926] WebKit Threading Violation - void -[WebView(WebPrivate) _commonInitializationWithFrameName:groupName:usesDocumentViews:](WebView*, objc_selector*, NSString*, NSString*, BOOL) called from secondary thread
20.10.09 01:14:44 Bookpedia[42926] Additional threading violations for this function will not be logged.
20.10.09 01:15:43 Bookpedia[42926] Error loading /Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/QuickImageCM: dlopen(/Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/QuickImageCM, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/QuickImageCM: mach-o, but wrong architecture
20.10.09 01:15:43 Bookpedia[42926] Cannot find function pointer AbstractCMPluginFactory for factory 18B80CCA-6F9C-11D7-803C-003065FAFBE2 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x14fc5250 </Library/Contextual Menu Items/QuickImageCM.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
20.10.09 01:16:47 Bookpedia[42926] Amazon Search Error: SignatureDoesNotMatch = The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
20.10.09 01:19:39 Bookpedia[42926] Amazon Search Error: SignatureDoesNotMatch = The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.